Latest annual meetings

Osteosynthese International 2018, Poznan, Poland

Osteosynthese International 2018, Poznan, Poland

Final credits

Dear Members of the Gerhard Küntscher Society

Dear Friends of the Gerhard Küntscher Society

On behalf of Organization and Scientific Committees of Osteosynthese International 2018 , which took part in Poznan from 06th to 08 th September 2018, we would like to express our warm thanks to all participants for your active involvement and for creating scientific and exceptionally friendly meeting atmosphere.

In total 189 participants from 17 countries and 4 continents contributed to the Congress. 9 sessions took place during three days debate which resulted in 71 presentations. 18 electronic posters were presented. All tasks featured high scientific and practical standards. A competition for best oral presentation and poster was carried out. Russian presentation won " The locking nail technique for osteosynthesis of the pubic fractures in polytrauma patients " by N. N. Zadneprovskiy, P. A. Ivanov, V. O. Kalenskiy, A. V. Nevedrov. The best poster award was given to "Physical exercise in a model of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome - effects on local osteopenia" - by P. K. E. Herlyn, A. C. Kregehr, T. Mittlmeier, A. Herlyn, S. Bruhn, B. Vollmar.Let us please congratulate once again the winning authors.

A wide range of workshops saw a great deal of interests as well. They were carried out by renowned specialists in the given areas. We are convinced, that they added to a list of solutions which we will be able to offer to our patients.

We would also like to thank the companies that were invited to the Congress for their support of the Küntscher Society

Finally, social and friendly meetings completed the busy schedule of debate. They were a great occasion to carry on discussions and make new friends.

We are looking forward to seeing you at next year's Osteosynthese International 2019 in Romania in Sibiu on 12 to 14th September.

Here is the link to Poznan Congress gallery:

Congress President President of the Küntscher Society
Mirosław Falis Georg Gradl


  • Location: Poznan, Poland
  • Date: September 06, 2018

Latest Annual Meeting

  • Osteosynthese International 2023/24

    Osteosynthese International 2023/24 

    August 16-18th 2024, Mumbai/India

    We are happy to announce that our upcoming annual meeting will be held in Mumbai. We are invited to associate the biggest trauma meeting in India. Information on the TRAUMACON can be found here.

    If you are interested in participating please contact our secretary via the contact field.


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